E 'with great pleasure that I announce a great promotional offer reserved for dental students in Pavia:
Textbooks conservative dr. Lorenzo Vanini
2 volumes (list price € 265) 55% discount
For anyone interested in purchasing: andrea.hankey.milani @ gmail.com
I remind you also that you can listen to the dr.Vanini at the XX Symposium on scientific research, new biotechnologies and their applications in dental to be held in Pavia on October 18 (info: www.unipv.it / webodonto).

Textbooks conservative dr. Lorenzo Vanini
2 volumes (list price € 265) 55% discount
For anyone interested in purchasing: andrea.hankey.milani @ gmail.com
I remind you also that you can listen to the dr.Vanini at the XX Symposium on scientific research, new biotechnologies and their applications in dental to be held in Pavia on October 18 (info: www.unipv.it / webodonto).
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