an off-topic that I would never post.
forgive the picture: it is brutal and makes the soul turn.
but it is good that you see certain things, albeit on questionable sites. never censor: why it is good to realize how vile humans, it is good to know that scum like that lives in our homes, driving on our roads, live boldly in our midst.
and is still better than these pieces of shit, these remnants of the latrine are so abysmally stupid as to show up and confess guilt.
find them, stanateli and let her pay!
the image below is not for the faint of stomach upsets and not only those who truly love animals, like myself, but also those who carelessly is only a trivial and perhaps cynical observer of reality.
I make an appeal to all my readers, Italians and foreigners identified these bastards infamous crappy, and these fucking subhuman least report it. at least.
least hand it to the police.
the photo is taken from the site
Title: Children with conduct disorder .
find these pieces of shit, Stan this vile scum!

an off-topic in this blog, I wouldn't ever post it, but that's necessary.
my deepest apologizes for the following image, it's deep-revolting. but it's desireable that certain acts will be of public domain, and even that some web sites are active and should not be censored: it's good to know openly how the humanity is vile and obscene and - better - it's a good thing to know that such "human beings" are among us, are strolling in our streets, livin' amongst our towns, are livin' "bravely" secure in this sad world.
and that's better that those pieces of shit, those revolting motherfuckers, that scum, are so idiot to show openly, facing us, in the world wide web with all their guilty.
found them, catch them, make them pay.
you must do that! the following shot is not for the soft heartened, and it is not revolting for those who really loves animals, but even for the most cynical voyeurs.
hear my claim, I am talking to all my readers, identify them, found them, and at least give their names to the police. at least, make them be prosecuted by law.
the shot came
from the site:
title: Children with conduct disorder .
the bastards are here: Make Them fuckin 'pay!!

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