Lucca Lucca Found Abandoned.
History for images of abandoned buildings Lucca, recovering, recovered.
Edited by CasaPound Lucca and Cultural Association Epsilon - 2010
"Yes, you're the one that turns all the graves in ruins: Hail to thee, my will! And only where there are graves, there are resurrections. "
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part II" The Song of the Tomb "
Horizons of abandonment, empty rooms waiting for redemption, or fall prey to an indispensable and resigned oblivion, but also to be hoped fertile sites, those described for images - 261 shots, all made from black and white - documenting the state of the art of public and private surrender to Lucca in the year of grace 2010. A collection of photographs and archive created by House Pound Lucca that has made the exhibition at the Porch and Praetorian Carmine market and became a catalog. A survey supported by the City, by the District 1 "Old Town" and built by a handful of young photographers.
State of the art so to speak, that's fine architecture and value there, but in very poor condition, along with more children than ordinary cement from "Hands Over the City." The cultural reference is a must that of Italian Rationalism of the '20s and '30s, the cover stands the massive towers and oblique CEIS, very Italian in the lines and spirit. And not only so anonymous barracks but a neglected heritage that ranges from the eighteenth to the twentieth century.
"some real holes in the urban blacks who broke it, and - sometimes - they deny it. Of the non-places that deconstruct the concept of Urbanitas , which interrupt the normal flow of human relationships and social problems in these spaces can not enter. [...] The abandoned building our security and breaks stride with the mania that drives the programming and administration. Become a mirror, a gash on a parallel reality, a reality without the man. [...] These very mixed feelings, this bittersweet oxymoron, would pervade people who ventured through the ruins of the Roman Empire collapsed in the known world like Atlantis, among the temples won by ivy and cracks. Move between these places makes you feel like a survivor, a survivor. Lost. You can find things you'd like to run away ... "These are the observations of bright Pound House - Epsilon in the introduction to the catalog.
real words but not must leave room for complacency and superficial nihilism of those who would wreck of begging in these industrial archeology, or imitate Goethe before the tombs of the Via Appia: "The point is that we are not in the eighteenth century, but in the millennium and that the ruins are good for romantic paintings but not to live. That these places are rarely small enchanted gardens, but often become big business for small men. What a place abandoned not only responds to its owner but to the entire community. " This is the meaning of the catalog and review that has not only aroused controversy, but a fruitful debate on the agenda that the administration and individuals will have for years to come to Lucca. A city is questioned the meaning of this heritage, recovered only for a span, and always about to fall prey to irrational speculation or misunderstandings new uses.
Even Italy has recognized the work of our CasaPound Lucca, Epsilon Association, photographers - These Furio, Tyer Durden, Andrew Giangrandi, and Paul Simon Pellico Pinori - authors and creators of the project - and Fabio Barsanti Simone Pellico - employees ( Lorenzo Del Barga, Iacopo Di Bugno, Eleonora Guastapaglia, Tommaso Martelli, James Melosi ) the quality of the documentation honest, the call to civic too many temptations related to construction and architecture and from what we still have to do to citizens and patrons feel truly at home.
volume, the result of hard work and creative graphics Simone Pellico , is available at Casa Lucca behind pound donation to allow the recovery of the costs of printing and organization, all fully and independently supported by Epsilon and CasaPound.
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