Elsevier Book of the Month - Masson is:
Orthodontics modern
II edition CD

Price: € 206 - 30% = 144.20
This second edition of a classic provides a world of orthodontics comprehensive overview of the discipline and intends to become a reference point for professionals and students. The volume includes many new features and iconographic content: is more emphasis on database applications and the importance of computer simulations in the diagnosis and treatment planning, understanding the various stages of processing is facilitated by the numerous case studies followed by ' beginning to end and supported by a rich iconography, color, great importance is attributed to the clinical decision based on objective data and the rapid evolution that has affected the clinical biomechanics. The CD-Rom allows you to display the best images, quickly scroll through the different sections of text and perform targeted searches. A full volume and then, an updated tool for a modern orthodontic practice.
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