Elsevier Book of the Month - Masson is:
OSSEOINTEGRATION and immediate loading
M. Chiapasco, C. Gatti, J. Gottlow, A. Lundgren, P. Malo ', N. Meredith

Library Price: 102 €. AISO Price for members: € 61.20
The book presents itself as updated and comprehensive text for the clinical applications of osseointegrated implants in immediate loading of describing all the existing possibilities' of utilizzo.Gli authors, industry experts internationally, dealing with both clinical and experimental aspects of the topic and provide tools for an in-depth knowledge of fundamental biological principles that underlie the clinical application of immediate load in implantologia.La with photos, showing step by step clinical and technical assistance, and exposure to criticism of the results of experimental research to now appeared in the international literature provides insight for each patient the correct indication and select the best option among the possible treatment solutions.
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