was a hero of my childhood, a space pirate known for being a free man and with a strong sense of justice that led him far "beyond" the law, beyond the conventions and especially by the most vulnerable.
Well yesterday the great, great Sea Shepherd's crew - the organization which since 1977 has been fighting with determination and courage against the brutality of the whalers, sealers and other marine animals - has made stops in La Spezia to stock up on food and talk about their activities.
then I had the joy and pleasure, very rare these days to know real men and real women and to contribute to my small supply in their pantry. they are brave people who are human, with all the flaws of reality, like that famous pirate who had excited me as a child. looking at their faces, getting on their boat - which has sunk 10 whaling boats & C. - I read in their eyes the effort, but also pride, strength and enthusiasm of those who can really fight. watching and talking with them I felt a great envy for those who can be really free and strong. thinking once again to those who govern us and those who run the machinery of consumption and the economy, I realized as long as the fuck this system and the ruling classes around the world is legitimate and sacred, from the V O! so thanks to Sebastian and all the crew and staff and the Nostromo Sea Shepherd that allowed me to take on board the Steve Irwin.
there is a handful of heroes and my pictures today speak of them.
There was an hero in my childhood, a space pirate, celebrated for his free spirit and his strong sense of justice that brings him "over the boundaries" of law, over the social conventions and moreover at flank of the weak people.
then, yesterday the big big crew of Sea Shepherd - a society that since 1977 fights with courage and determination against the whale and seal and ocean breed hunters' bestiality, stopped in La Spezia harbour to replenish and speak of their mission.
I had indeed the honour and pleasure (rare in those times) to meet true men and women and to contribute with my poor own to their caboose. They are brave human beings that are, with all the flaws of real life, as that famous space pirate that make me cheers. seeing their faces, walking around their boat (that sank 10 whale boats) i read in their eyes the strain, the proud, the strenght and the enthusiasm of true fighters. see them, talk to them I felt a sense of envy for their freedom and staunchness. Then I thougt about our politicians and the invisible masters of mass production, economy and consumer society and i realized, as usual, that they MUST all go to screw up themselves and that "screw" was right from S to W.
for that consciousness my heartly thanks to Sebastian and the whole Sea Shepherd Crew and Team and the boatswain that permitted to me to shoot my photos on board of the Steve Irwin.
there is a bunch of heroes and my photos talk 'bout them today!

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