Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mens Adjustable Flip Flop 9eee


the story of the Regional Council Zaccai, such as Marrazzo, Sircana, Mele teaches basically one thing: not create or not to impose other rules or behaviors that you are not able to follow it yourself or you're afraid that you are assigned. In a word Be consistent!

if these politicians had avoided since the beginning of criminalizing the drug user as a consumer and you paid sex (with or without viados) as a consumer of a service between consenting adults, including those who wish to have multiple partners, casual or not stable or not, now no one could have "fixed", admitted that he did. Why is it that serious and matters much more del'esistenza of hypothetical plots is that these politicians are afraid that they will find drug users or "usufructuaries end" of transsexuals. If they had not defended a vision bigoted, anti-historical and unnatural sexuality and family if they had not persecuted and coerced everyone's right to use drugs, without, mind you, allow these damaging habits the next - the only real limit based exercise of a right and a freedom - now would have nothing to fear. The moral scandal, any scandal, was in fact created by an artificially imposed moral and other artificially. If we accepted all of the moral cretinism, that is, to force others, and the people as legislators, to follow the model set, and if we just decide that everyone is free to do what they want without affecting the next, accepting that there are people who likes to have sex with a transsexual, having multiple sexual partners for a fee or not, consume psychotropic substances for recreational purposes, but it will not be "trapped" by such situations.

and if you can not resist to impose a moral as arbitrary and absurd to others, and obligations to the subject - such as the imposition of alcohol testing and narcotest to politicians and citizens (given the same Zaccai) - at least when touches to us, we do it properly and to sottoponiamoci narcotest, which Zaccai, albeit under the TSO, refused. In that one wonders how many ordinary citizens subject to TSO have the same degree of freedom to refuse testing. It would be interesting to know why Zaccai then refused the test ...

Zaccai, like everyone else, has manufactured for itself and its cage car stuck in this situation is unfortunate because the claim was unfounded to impose own moral standard for all others, has dreamed for other forms of control as areas for surveillance viados and prostitutes and the crusade to remove these people from the suburbs. Practice quite absurd because the prostitutes away from a road or a town that does not move somewhere else, it is impossible to guard every street for obvious reasons of convenience, all results in a continued migration of prostitutes and customers who do not "delete "the vice but at most promotes sexual nomadism. In my opinion the best thing to do to ensure the freedom of those who want to have sex and who does not want sex trafficking in the house would be to establish specific areas and neighborhoods, and precise rules.

short, to avoid the figures being tolerant enough of shit, or if you really want to do the Solons, at least he is consistent with the austere lifestyle and we impose strict or wish to impose on others. Otherwise you are stuck and you are - metaphorically or not - sodomized. What I wish with all my heart to a political class that preaches well and scratching if Razzola, it seems that it will do very, very bad.


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